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Se siete interessati contattate il VeDPH alla seguente mail…. Sie sollen die neuen Forschungsparadigmen, Anwendungstools und Problemlösungstechniken der Digital Humanities methodisch durchdringen und praktisch anwenden können. Absolventinnen des Studiengangs sollen nach Abschluss des Masters in der Lage sein, auf dem Gebiet der Digital Humanities wissenschaftlich und praktisch zu arbeiten. The Master of Digital Humanities and Public Culture enables students to develop high level skills in digital literacy and applied humanities.

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This master's degree introduces students to the most advanced digital techniques . We train advanced professionals who will contribute to research in the  Digital Humanities. In a world of Big Data and used in the humanities. This “ digital turn” requires new research competencies.

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The next application period will start at the end of 2021. The Master’s programme in Linguistic Diversity and Digital Humanities includes five study tracks.

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Master digital humanities

The next application period will start at the end of 2021. The Master’s programme in Linguistic Diversity and Digital Humanities includes five study tracks. You will choose one of them when applying to the programme, but in your elective studies you can include courses from the other study tracks as well as from other Master’s programmes. Since a few weeks back the first generation of Digital Humanities students are nearing the end of their two-year master program by writing on their master thesis. The Master Thesis course is devoted to the writing and presentation of a written scientific work. Master’s Research Seminar (continued) – 6 hours, 1 ECTS Conception and Development of a Digital Humanities Project: Introduction to Research– 12 hours, 6 ECTS. This tutoring unit makes it possible for each student to get started in applying the methods and tools of digital humanities to their research questions and dissertation.

Master digital humanities

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Master digital humanities

One of the key drivers of the field is the recent availability of large digital repositories within many areas of the Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences. Master in Digital Humanities in the field of Digital Humanities, online, in English, 100%.

ll Master in Digital Humanities nasce nel 2015, su iniziativa del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica di Ca' Foscari, offre un percorso didattico, tra i primi nati in Italia, dedicato all'utilizzo, all'elaborazione e allo sviluppo di strumenti informatici nell'ambito delle scienze umane, come storia, storia dell'arte, filologia, codicologia, archivistica, biblioteconomia e museologia.
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Ingemar GUNNARSSON Ph. Lic. Master of Arts Linnaeus

Hinweis: Auf der Übersichtsseite zu „Digital Humanities“ finden sich alle mit dem aktuellen Studienfach verwandte Fächer – auch solche, die kein Studienangebot mit dem aktuell gewählten Filter haben.

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Master in digital humanities - secondo livello. Master di secondo livello.

Dasjenige Fach, in dem die Masterarbeit (30 KP) geschrieben wird, gilt als Major, das andere als Minor. Like Comment Share. Master Digital Humanities - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia. April 8, 2020 ·.