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Jia-Yi Li is mainly focused on studying pathogenetic mechanisms of Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases seeking strategies for therapeutic inventions to the Ph.D Neuroscience Lund University 2017 –nu 4 år. Lund University, Experimental Medical Faculty Se hela Leilas profil Upptäck gemensamma Välkommen till Institutionen för experimentell medicinsk vetenskap, en av sex institutioner vid Medicinska fakulteten vid Lunds universitet. Hos oss bedrivs forskning på molekylär, cellulär och integrativ nivå rörande de livsprocesser som bestämmer kroppens funktion, normalt och vid sjukdom. Gunnar Gouras' research group, the Experimental Dementia Research Unit, works to uncover the cell biological and pathological basis of dementia, focusing in Research Portal. Find researchers, research outputs (e.g. publications), projects, infrastructures and units at Lund University behaviour behaviour neuroscience lund andreas heuer cell replacement therpay disease modelling operant assessment rats parkinson's disease pd dopamine attention cognition motor non-motor graft transplant university Ända sedan upptäckten av signalsubstansen dopamin i slutet av 1950-talet har Lunds universitet varit ett globalt nav för Parkinsonforskning.

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Accessibility. Back to top The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 1529-2401. Journal. Overview; Lund University.
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Vi vill se fler idéer och mer engagemang. Lund University’s APC fund is managed by the University Library and currently comprises SEK 1.25 million per year. This support for publication fees in open access journals is distributed according to the principle “first come, first served” and covers 50 percent of the cost of an APC. Note that in cases where the publication takes place in collaboration with other higher education Lund University | 183,053 followers on LinkedIn. Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top 100 universities. The University has 42 000 students and 7 400 behaviour behaviour neuroscience lund andreas heuer cell replacement therpay disease modelling operant assessment rats parkinson's disease pd dopamine attention cognition motor non-motor graft transplant university Uppsala University Department of Neuroscience P.O Box 593 SE-751 24 Uppsala, Sweden (reference code mandatory) University Hospital Uppsala University Department of Neuroscience SE-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden (reference code mandatory) Lund University is consistently ranked in the top 100 universities in the world and is well known as a world-class, research focused university.

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Events - Department of Neuroscience - Uppsala University

Tomas Björklund, Parkinson's Disease, Gene therapy, 2005  NRC - Neuronano Research Center - Lund University, Sweden is on Facebook. To connect with NRC - Neuronano Research Center - Lund University, Sweden,  Wallenberg Neurocentrum, Lund. Medicinska fakulteten. Webbplats: http://www.med.lu.se/wnc. Telefon: +46 46 222 05 42.
