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A. common iliac. Aa. anterior, media, posterior cerebri. (Redirected from Obliquus genus) The vastus medialis (vastus internus or teardrop muscle) is an extensor muscle located medially in the thigh that extends the knee. The vastus medialis is part of the quadriceps muscle group. femoral artery 70 Descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery 71 Deep femoral artery 72 Popliteal artery 73 Popliteal vein 74 Medial superior artery of knee 75 Lateral superior artery of knee 76 Medial inferior artery of knee 77 Lateral inferior artery of knee 78 Posterior tibial artery 79 Posterior tibial vein 80 Anterior tibial artery Descending genicular artery - Arteria descendens genus The musculo-articular branch descends in the substance of the Vastus medialis, and in front of the tendon of the Adductor magnus, forming an anastomotic arch with the lateral superior genicular artery, … 5 Supratrochlear artery 6 Angular artery and vein 7 Facial artery and vein 7a Lingual artery 9 Retromandibular vein 10 Internal jugular vein 11 Superior thyroid artery 12 Vertebral artery 13 Thyrocervical trunk 14 Costocervical trunk 15 Suprascapular artery 16 Subclavian artery and vein 17 Superior vena cava image/svg+xml Arterien des Oberschenkels (Schema ventral) 17. Februar 2018 Marshall C. Strother; deutsche Bearbeitung Hellerhoff Deutsch vasculature artery thigh schema A schematic depiction of the arteries of the thigh based on similar schemas from Moore's Essential Clinical Anatomy (3rd edition) and Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy (5th edition). Bone structure was taken from the wikimedia 66 A. circumflexa femoris medialis 67 A. femoralis 68 V. femoralis 69 A. circumflexa femoris lateralis, ramus ascendens 70 A. circumflexa femoris lateralis, ramus descendens 71 A. profunda femoris 72 A. poplitea 73 V. poplitea 74 A. superior medialis genus 75 A. superior lateralis genus 76 A. inferior medialis genus 77 A. inferior lateralis genus Englisch: superior medial genicular artery.

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thoracica lateralis RPDAT – radiopalmar digital artery of the thumb, UPDAT – ulnopalmar digital artery of the a. genus descendens. Medial superior genicular artery The medial superior genicular, a branch of the popliteal artery, runs in front of the Semimembranosus and Semitendinosus,  Arteria superior medialis genus. Kleiner Gefäßast der Arteria poplitea. Deutscher Name, Obere innere Kniearterie. Lage. Bein.

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Aa. anterior, media, posterior cerebri. (Redirected from Obliquus genus) The vastus medialis (vastus internus or teardrop muscle) is an extensor muscle located medially in the thigh that extends the knee. The vastus medialis is part of the quadriceps muscle group. femoral artery 70 Descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery 71 Deep femoral artery 72 Popliteal artery 73 Popliteal vein 74 Medial superior artery of knee 75 Lateral superior artery of knee 76 Medial inferior artery of knee 77 Lateral inferior artery of knee 78 Posterior tibial artery 79 Posterior tibial vein 80 Anterior tibial artery Descending genicular artery - Arteria descendens genus The musculo-articular branch descends in the substance of the Vastus medialis, and in front of the tendon of the Adductor magnus, forming an anastomotic arch with the lateral superior genicular artery, … 5 Supratrochlear artery 6 Angular artery and vein 7 Facial artery and vein 7a Lingual artery 9 Retromandibular vein 10 Internal jugular vein 11 Superior thyroid artery 12 Vertebral artery 13 Thyrocervical trunk 14 Costocervical trunk 15 Suprascapular artery 16 Subclavian artery and vein 17 Superior vena cava image/svg+xml Arterien des Oberschenkels (Schema ventral) 17.

fulltext - Karlstad University - DiVA

Superior medialis genus artery

a. inferior medialis genus.

Superior medialis genus artery

a. It first descends along the upper margin of the popliteus, to which it gives branches; it then passes below the medial condyle of the tibia, beneath the tibial collateral ligament, at the anterior border of which it ascends to the front and medial side of the joint, to supply the upper end of the tibia and the knee-joint, anastomosing with the lateral inferior and medial superior genicular arteries. The lateral superior genicular artery is a branch of the popliteal artery that supplies a portion of the knee joint.
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Superior medialis genus artery

Die Arteria inferior medialis genus ist ein Gefäßast der Arteria poplitea, der das Knie versorgt.

Die Arteria superior medialis genus zieht vor dem Musculus semimembranosus und dem Musculus semitendinosus oberhalb des Epicondylus medialis femoris Circumpatellar anastomosis. (Medial superior genicular labeled at upper right, fourth from top.) Latin: arteria superior medialis genus: Gray's: subject #159 633: Branches: Branch to vastus medialis, branch to surface of the femur and the knee-joint 74 Medial superior artery of knee 75 Lateral superior artery of knee 74 A. superior medialis genus 75 A. superior lateralis genus 76 A. inferior medialis genus A. palatina descendens s. superior.
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Full text of "Nova acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum

A. inferior ulnar collateral. A. anonyma iliaca. A. common iliac. Aa. anterior, media, posterior cerebri.

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Hier die Übersetzung Deutsch ↔ Englisch für Arteria genus nachschlagen! Kostenfreier Vokabeltrainer, Konjugationstabellen, Aussprachefunktion. 95 A. superior medialis genus 11 Superior thyroid artery 12 Vertebral artery 13 Thyrocervical trunk 14 Costocervical trunk 15 Suprascapular artery 602 .

Mvcotaxon lateralis Schümm.