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FAQ. Cosmo Consultants (Vaikon Cosmo Services Pvt. Ltd. (OPC) is a consulting group committed to provide an appropriate guidance to the candidates seeking overseas education including all activities from IELTS preparation to obtaining study visa across … Cosmos Consulting takes all reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from unauthorized access. Cosmos Consulting will retain your personal information only for the purpose of providing a service to you. All contents copyrighted 2020 Introduction Cosmo is one of Malaysia’s leading foreign manpower procurement specialists. Founded in Taiwan in 1992, the Cosmo Group expanded its operations to Malaysia in the year 2000. With our regional presence in Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. We are an industry leader in the provision of management and consultancy services. 深圳市环宇瓦努阿图国际贸易有限公司 (Shenzhen Cosmo Vanuatu International Trade Co., Ltd) 成立于2013年, 坐落于深圳市罗湖区天安国际大厦B1908, 是集投资顾问, 房产中介, 货币兑换, 移民, 护照绿卡申请等一体的综合性公司。 公司于 2017年03月17日 获得瓦努阿图共和国政府公民委员会正式授权代理“瓦努阿图 … Cosmos Immigration is a Reliable Immigration consultancy in UAE, which offers professional Immigration consultancy services for all the categories of Canadian & Australian visa, which includes, Canada PR, Australian PR, Australian 189 Visa, Australian 190 Visa, New Zealand Immigration, Danish Green Card, USA various Visa categories, Student Visa and permits.
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All contents copyrighted 2020 Hier im ⓘ Impressum finden Sie alle wichtigen Informationen der COSMO CONSULT Gruppe. Jetzt hier klicken ☛ und mehr erfahren! COSMO Consultants, Vector.
Founded in Taiwan in 1992, the Cosmo Group expanded its operations to Malaysia in the year 2000. With our regional presence in Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia.